To better organize your document and expense lists, you can sort your data by the following: document date, document number, document due date (invoices only), client name, and financial tax years.
Your document and expense lists will automatically sort by your current financial tax year; you can change your tax year filter to sort by all years or a specific tax year.
iOS and Android
- Navigate to the document section you wish to sort (invoices, estimates, purchase orders, credit memos)
- Tap the Sorted by drop-down button
- Choose how you would like your documents to be sorted by
- Document date
- Document number
- Document due date (invoices only)
- Client name
- Select tax year option
- All tax years
- Specific tax year
- Tap Apply
- You can then tap on the arrow next to the sorted button to sort the documents in either ascending or descending order
- Navigate to the document section you wish to sort (invoices, estimates, purchase orders, credit memos)
- Above the documents, click on the header you wish to sort your documents by
- Number
- Client
- Date (this refers to creation date)
- Project name (invoices and estimates only)
- Due date (invoices only)
- You can then click on the header you choose again to sort the documents in either ascending or descending order
- Click on the financial tax year dropdown to select tax year sort option
- All tax years
- Specific tax year