Some purchases will appear as pending transactions on your account until the payment is fully processed.
This happens while your payment is being authorized - confirmation you have an active account with enough money in it.
Occasionally the final payment and what’s shown as pending aren’t the same e.g. if you added a tip to the final restaurant bill or paid for a hire car and are temporarily charged a fee to cover accidents (but are never charged this if you return the car undamaged).
When will the final purchase amount replace the pending amount and post to my checking account?
It may take several business days for the final purchase amount to replace the pending transaction amount on your account. The pending transaction reduces your available balance. When the transaction is presented to the bank, the final or actual purchase amount is deducted from your account, usually within 3 to 5 business days (3 business days when a card is swiped or inserted in person or 5 business days when used via the internet, phone or mail order transaction).