You can issue card payment refunds at any time. Depending on your customer’s bank, the refund should show up anywhere between 5-10 business days after the refund is issued. When you refund a charge, the fees you paid to process the charge can not be returned.
See this help article to read about the fees in your country.
iOS and Android
- Open the invoice from your Paid invoices folder
- Tap Transaction history
- Tap the card payment that you wish to refund
- Tap Refund payment
- Tap Yes- issue refund to confirm
- Open the invoice from your Paid invoices folder
- Click on View transaction history on the right side of the screen
- Click on the caret 'v' symbol to the right of the payment you wish to refund, and click on Refund
- Click on Refund again to confirm
Helpful Tips
- If your customer paid by card, do not give them a cash refund — this is a common fraud scenario.
- Refunds may appear in the form of a reversal. In the case of a reversal, the original payment will drop off of your customer's bank statement, and a separate credit is not issued.
- Refunds can not be canceled. If you'd like to charge your customer for the amount that you have refunded, you can create a new charge for your customer.