Expenses make it easy to keep track of the money you spend to generate revenue for your business. With each expense, you can add a description of the cost, amount, tax, date and attach a photo of your receipt.
Each expense you enter will reflect as a line item on your expense journal report. Additionally, you can add expenses to a project using the steps outlined in this article.
iOS and Android
- Tap More
- Tap Expenses
- Tap the + symbol in the top right corner
- Tap Add a description… to add a description of an expense
- Tap Total to add an expense amount
- Tap Add a photo to add an image of an expense
- Tap Tax to add a tax amount to an expense. Note that this tax should be considered inclusive to the total you've recorded. When you add the expense to a document, you can choose to add an additional tax on top of the expense total
- Tap Expense date to modify the date of the expense
- Tap Merchant to enter the merchant information relating to the expense
- Tap Category to categorize an expense
- Tap Tip to add a tip to an expense. Note that this tip should be considered inclusive to the Total you've recorded
- Tap Save
- Click the Create icon in the Navigation menu. Then select the Expense option.
- Click the Expense date line to modify the date of the expense
- Click the Merchant line to enter the merchant information relating to the expense
- Click the Category line to add a category to an expense
- Click the Description line to add a description of an expense
- Click Add photo to add an image of an expense from your computer
- Click the Total line to add an expense amount
- Click the Tax line to add a tax to an expense. Note that this tax should be considered inclusive to the total you've recorded. When you add the expense to a document, you can choose to add an additional tax on top of the expense total
- Click the Tip line to add a tip to an expense. Note that this tip should be considered inclusive to the total you've recorded
- Click Save