Our charge a card feature allows you to take Stripe payments from your clients by entering their debit or credit card details directly in the app. To charge a card manually, please refer to the steps below.
iOS and Android
- Open the invoice you want to take payment for
- Tap Charge a card on the preview and manage screen
- Enter your client’s credit or debit card details
- Tap Charge now
- Open the invoice you want to take payment for
- From the Preview or Send tab, click on Add payment on the right side of the screen
- Click on Charge a card
- Enter your client’s credit or debit card details
- Click on Charge now
Helpful Tips
- To charge a card you will first need to complete the Stripe underwriting process
- If Stripe payments are turned off for your account, using charge a card will automatically turn them back on for your account. You can turn off payments afterward in settings
- Access to the charge a card feature will depend on your Invoice2go subscription
- To avoid credit card fraud, you should always take precautions to minimize the risk. When you charge a customer’s card, you are responsible for making sure that the payer is who they say they are
- Like other payments, you can manage all of your charge a card payments from your Stripe Dashboard
- When using this feature, make sure that you comply with Stripe’s terms of service