Invoice2go has partnered with Plaid to provide you with an easy and secure way to link your bank account to Invoice2go Money Banking and Invoice2go Money Card Payments.
Keeping your details secure
Plaid encrypts any credentials or account information you enter while linking your bank account. This information is encrypted end to end, so Plaid and Invoice2go cannot view your bank login ID or password.
Many companies trust Plaid to manage the secure connection between their apps and banks, including Venmo, Stripe and Expensify.
For more information about Plaid, view their website here.
How to link your bank account
When you are prompted to link a bank account or when you tap Link in the Invoice2go Money Settings page, Plaid’s bank linking assistant displays.
Check if your bank supports instant linking by entering your bank’s name in the Search field. If your bank is listed in the search results, it means you can instantly link your bank account. After signing in to your bank, select the account you want to link. If your bank isn’t listed in the search results, you can still link your account using the micro-deposit verification process. It can take 1–2 business days to verify your account.
If later you want to unlink the account or change the account that’s linked, open the Invoice2go Money Settings page and tap Unlink. You can then choose to link another bank account.