You can create a job estimate to send to any client in Invoice2go. The client will have the option to either approve or deny the estimate.
- If they choose to approve it, the estimate status will change, and it will move from the Pending to the Done tab in your Estimates list.
- If they choose to approve and make a payment, it will be automatically be generated as an invoice, in addition to moving to the Done tab.
iOS and Android
- Tap the Add button
- Tap the Estimate option
- To rename the estimate, tap the Edit icon next to the name
- In the Bill to field, tap the Add client link to select a client
- Tap the name of the client you want to add
- Tap the Add items link
- Enter the item name, description, rate, and quantity
- To add additional information, tap the More options link
- Tap the Checkmark icon
- View the subtotal and total. To add a discount, tap the Add discount link.
- In the Payment Methods section, select payment options for the estimate
- To add a deposit request, tap the Add deposit request link
- To add photos to the estimate, tap the Add photos link
- Tap the Next button
- View a preview of your estimate
- To send the estimate, tap the Send button
- Click the Create icon in the Navigation menu. Then select the Estimate option.
- In the Bill to field, click the Add client link to select a client
- In the Client name drop-down menu, select the name of the client
- Contact information displays automatically. You can edit the mobile number, email address, and billing address
- Click the Add items link
- Enter the item name, description, rate, and quantity
- To add additional information, click the TAX, days or hours, discount link
- Click the Add button
- To select an expense, click the Expenses link
- To add photos to the estimate, click the Add photos link
- To add a comment, click the Add comment link
- To add a deposit request, click the Add deposit request link
- To preview the estimate, click the Preview tab
- In the Payment Methods section, select payment options for the estimate
- To send the estimate, click the Send tab. Then click the Send estimate button.
- To save the estimate, click the Save and close button