You can view all of your account details including your account email address, plan type, expiration or renewal date, and account quotas on the mobile or web application.
- Account ID: Your Account ID (e.g. 12345678) is used to uniquely identify your account and is the same for any team members with access to your account. When contacting support, this number helps our advocates locate your account.
- Email address: Your email address is the one you entered when you first signed up and is the one you use to log into your account. You have the option to change your email within your account. This address is also where you receive emails from Invoice2go.
- Plan: Shows what your current plan is (e.g. Premium) and when your account expires or renews.
- Account Quotas: Shows you the number of remaining quotas you have left for your account (e.g.Invoices 57/200).
iOS and Android
- Tap the Profile icon in the top right corner of the home screen
- You can view your email address associated with your account at the top
- You can view your Account ID under the account section
- Tap Manage Subscription to view your current plan type, account expiration or renewal date, and account quotas
- Click on your Company name in the upper right corner to view your associated email address and Account ID
- Click on Account & settings
- Click on Manage subscription to view your current plan type, account expiration or renewal date, and account quotas