To let your customer know your payment preference, you can use “Payment instructions” at the account or invoice level to enter text on the invoice itself to indicate how your clients should pay you.
This feature adds any text you provide to the bottom of your invoice. Your clients can then use that information to pay you.
iOS and Android
- Tap the Profile icon in the top right corner of the home screen
- Tap Client payment options
- Tap Payment Instructions
- Type in any payment instructions (such as bank account or routing number) that you would like to appear on your invoices
- Tap the back arrow in the top left corner to save your changes
- Click on your Company name in the upper right corner
- Click on Account & settings
- Click on Client payment options
- In the Payment instructions box, type in any payment instructions (such as bank account or routing number) that you would like to appear on your invoices
- Click on Save