Discounts are always applied at the invoice level and can only be applied after items have been added. You can apply discounts to either the total invoice amount or to each individual item on your invoice. Each discount can be applied in either a flat dollar amount or by percentage.
iOS and Android
Add Discount to Item:
- On the invoice creation screen, tap Add items and select an item to add to your invoice
- Tap More options
- Tap Discount
- Choose either Percentage or Flat amount
- Enter the discount amount
- Tap Add
Add Discount to Invoice Subtotal:
- On the invoice creation screen, tap Discount
- Next to Type, choose either Percentage or Fixed
- Enter the discount amount
- Tap Save
Add Discount to Item:
- From the invoice creation screen, click on Add items and select an item to add to your invoice
- Click on TAX, parts or labor, discount
- Check the box next to Discount
- To the right of Discount choose either Percentage (%) or Flat amount ($)
- Enter an amount
- Click on Add
Add Discount to Invoice Subtotal:
- On the right-hand side of the invoice summary, click on Discount
- Enter an amount, and select whether you want to add the discount by Percentage (%) or Flat amount ($) to the invoice subtotal
- Click on Save